Larry Shelton, TCA’s National Forest Policy Coordinator, met with the Forest Service, Sabine River Authority (SRA), and a representative of the Sierra Club to review progress on two separate projects proposed under a marina and resort development permit.

This permit would have allowed for development of 70 additional acres at the existing Haley’s Ferry Boat Ramp and up to 450-acres at a new El Camino Real (ECR) site in the Sabine National Forest. The first phase for ECR would include a fishing tournament facility for up to 3,000 people and later, possibly a private resort.
70 Acres of National Forest Saved
After a field trip and discussions, the SRA agreed to drop the 70-acre expansion of undeveloped National Forest from their proposal and instead perform improvements to the existing Haley’s Ferry facility. SRA reported that they are dropping any plans for future expansion at that site and they aim to have a draft environmental assessment out for public comment sometime in October. This is a best-case scenario, from a conservation standpoint, and TCA has gained recognition for reasonable collaborative efforts and ultimate support of the compromise proposal.