Early voting is October 23 - November 3

With your vote on the November 7 ballot, you can help secure new parks for future generations of Texans - without new taxes!
One of Texas’ biggest conservation opportunities of the decade is coming up fast – Proposition 14 on the November 7 ballot to create the Centennial Parks Conservation Fund. Prop 14 will provide a billion dollars to be spent on new state park land when unique properties become available from willing sellers. This is not a new tax – rather an allocation of existing revenues to purchase land for state parks.
Texas’ state parks host 10 million visitors a year, but many are crowded, and getting more so as our population grows. Prop 14 offers the dual opportunity of acquiring exceptional wildlife habitat and providing places for residents and visitors to enjoy Texas’ spectacular outdoor world.
Early voting is Oct 23 - Nov 3
Voting day is Nov 7
With the rapid growth of Texas, we must protect Texas’ last remaining natural areas so they won’t be lost forever to development.
Please vote FOR Proposition 14 and encourage your friends and relatives to support it also.
What Is the Centennial Parks Conservation Fund?
This $1 billion Fund will help secure new parks for future generations of Texans to explore and enjoy without increasing taxes. The Fund will allow the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department to buy land from willing sellers when unique properties that would make for beautiful State Parks become available.
Who Supports This?
Texas lawmakers passed legislation to put this on the ballot with overwhelming bipartisan support. 77% of voters said they would support the constitutional amendment in a poll this summer. Nearly 90 organizations, representing a diverse cross-section of Texas interests from outdoors, environmental, hunting and angling, and conservation and land groups are in our Coalition.

2024 Wildlife Calendar Available for Purchase
Endangered and Threatened Species of Texas
TCA's excited to open the presale of our Endangered and Threatened Species of Texas 2024 Calendar. Join us in protecting the Lone Star State's precious wildlife and order this stunning calendar featuring original artwork of an endangered/threatened Texas animal each month, created by a TCA board member, staff, intern, or volunteer!

Available now for only $20 with complimentary free shipping.
Upcoming Community Conservation Events
October 28
November 10
November 18
T-Shirt artwork created by David Todd, TCA Board Member.