Marvin Nichols Reservoir would destroy 66,000 acres of prime bottomland wildlife habitat, force thousands of Texans to sell their family lands, and cost the people of the Dallas-Fort Worth area $4.4 billion in increased water rates.

If you live in the DFW area, tell your local elected officials that there is no immediate need for additional water supply. If more water is needed in future decades, there are better options for water supply than building this expensive monster.

The Dallas-Fort Worth area is not in urgent need of additional water supply. If the region needs more water in future decades there are cheaper, less destructive ways to obtain water supply than building a huge new reservoir. Water developers claim that municipal water reuse/recycling is more expensive than building a new reservoir. In truth, purifying treated wastewater can be less expensive than building a new reservoir, it avoids damming a river and flooding private land, and it’s “drought-proof” – the source of water is always there.
If you live in the DFW area, tell your elected officials to support municipal water reuse/recycling!
The proposed Marvin Nichols Reservoir would inundate twenty miles of the Sulphur River and countless miles of feeder streams. It would force thousands of Texans to sell their land – land that provides their livelihoods, land that for some people has been in their family for generations. Many families would watch their homes go under water. The negative impact on the economy of rural northeast Texas would be dramatic. The impact on the natural environment would be enormous. The cost to water rate payers in the DFW area would pinch household budgets.
Marvin Nichols Reservoir would cost $4.4 billion and inundate 66,000 acres of beautiful forests and productive ranch land vital for wildlife habitat in the Sulphur River basin in Northeast Texas.
Tell your elected officials to OPPOSE Marvin Nichols!