One-third of all fish & wildlife species in the U.S. are at risk of becoming Endangered. Of the country's 12,000 Species of Greatest Conservation Need, Texas is home to more than 1,300. Please contact your U.S. Senators, John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, and ask them to vote YES for S. 2372, the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act.

To the great excitement of conservationists around the country, the bipartisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act passed in the U.S. House of Representatives in June. To be enacted, the bill must now pass the Senate, then go back through the House for a vote to resolve the differences in the Senate and House versions – all before the end of the year! We need to get the bill to the Senate floor in September, with strong support from both sides of the aisle.
The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (S. 2372) would dedicate $1.4 billion annually in existing federal funds to wildlife conservation projects aimed at keeping species off the Endangered Species list. Texas would be eligible for more than $50 million per year to implement projects that benefit the Species of Greatest Conservation Need in our state.
The Recovering America's Wildlife Act would afford an incredible opportunity to protect wildlife and wildlife habitats in Texas and throughout the country - a "game changer", says Texas Parks and Wildlife Executive Director Carter Smith.
The funds directed by the Recovering America's Wildlife Act would be used for wildlife conservation, habitat restoration, research, and outdoor recreation and education programs that benefit at-risk species. Wildlife agencies in various states would take applications from conservation organizations, land trusts, universities, researchers, other state agencies, municipalities, and private landowners for projects to benefit at-risk fish and wildlife species. Applicants would be required to provide a 25% match, ensuring that the funds all go to valid serious projects.

How you can help: Please contact the U.S. Senators from Texas, John Cornyn and Ted Cruz. Ask them (1) to let Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Republican Leader of the Senate, know that they want the bill to be voted on, and (2) to vote YES when it comes to the floor.
Senator John Cornyn, 202-224-2934 or via website at
Senator Ted Cruz, 202-224-5922 or at
Tell our U.S. Senators how important this bill is, not only for wildlife, but also for our economy:
Texas’ outdoor recreation economy generates 327,000 jobs, $14.4 billion in wages and salaries, and $3.5 billion in tax revenue. Native wild pollinators provide services valued at over $9 billion per year to U.S. agriculture and the natural pest control provided by bats is valued at $1.4 billion per year in Texas alone. Wildlife habitat provides clean water, healthy soils, storm water management, and flood mitigation.

YOU can help get this crucial funding over the finish line. Ask the U.S. Senators from Texas, Sen. John Cornyn and Sen. Ted Cruz, to support the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act!