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TPW Adopts Mountain Lion Regulations

Updated: Jun 13

mountain lion in rocky and tree filled wilderness
Mountain Lion courtesy of

For the first time in Texas history, Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPW) has adopted regulations concerning mountain lions. The regulations


  • Prohibit “canned” hunting, which involves capturing an animal and releasing it so it can be hunted, often without the hunter knowing it had been captive, and

  • Prohibit leaving a live Mountain Lion in a trap for more than 36 hours, to prevent trapped lions from suffering and dying from starvation or exposure.


More than 7,000 people submitted public comments supporting the adoption of these protections, with 93% of the total comments in favor. Prior to the May 23 vote by the TPW Commission, Texas was the only U.S. state that has a Mountain Lion population that did not have any regulations for the species.


TCA testified in favor of the regulations, along with a long line of other speakers, including several individuals from Texans for Mountain Lions, the coalition that filed the petition that launched the current effort to improve the status of this magnificent species. While the TPW Commission denied the petition, they established a stakeholder group which met over a year, leading to the regulations. Commissioners, proponents, and even opponents of the regulations all expressed the need for more research and data on Mountain Lion populations in the state as the true number of individuals and distribution is unknown. This decision is a huge win for Mountain Lion conservation, but it is only a first step. TPW staff will be developing a mountain lion management plan over the next year. TCA and other conservation partners will strongly encourage a plan that includes mandatory harvest reporting and will support additional restrictions if the Texas lion population data shows the species is in decline.

What You Can Do

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